Help Wanted! I need pig!
This is an oversized mug suitable for coffee, bourbon, or hot cocoa. If you’re the sort of person who says “hot chocolate” instead of “hot cocoa”, I believe you could also drink hot chocolate from this mug
This is probably my favorite mug in my collection. The things I like the best about it are that there is a pig head on an ice cream cone, and that it is black and red.
I like to drink from this mug when I’m exceptionally thirsty, as it is a larger mug than a standard mug. Since it is larger, it can hold a larger volume of your drink.
It does not have any words on it, so you will have to read a newspaper or something else if you wanted to read anything while drinking your morning coffee.
Anyhow, I think this is a great mug for drinking from when you’re alone, but it also is a good mug to drink from when you have company.
A donkey.