Category: coffee mugs rss


22 February / coffee mugs
This is a classic mug suitable for coffee or herbal tea, but you could also probably use it for regular hot tea in a pinch. This is probably my favorite mug in my collection. The thing I like the most about it is that it has a blue band across the top, so you can tell how high to fill the mug so it doesn’t spill over the sides.
26 December / coffee mugs
sweaty buns. This is a classic mug suitable for coffee or tea, but I suspect you could also fill it with most any liquid and not suffer any significant setbacks. This is probably my favorite mug in my collection. The thing I like the best about it that the top is a dark blue, and it fades to a lighter blue over the course of the top inch or so.
12 December / coffee mugs
On the Beach at the Sea Crest Inn. This is a classic mug suitable for tea, coffee, eggnog, or any number of things one might drink from a mug, such as hot cocoa perhaps. This is probably my favorite mug in my collection. The things I like the best about it are that there is a picture of a steamship and the ship has 3 flags and 2 smokestacks. There is a quotation on this mug which reads “Always Fresh.
19 September / coffee mugs
Because everything tastes better from a horse! This is a classic mug suitable for coffee or horse nog, but also you could also drink hot tea from it probably, and it shoudn’t cause too many problems. This is probably my favorite mug in my collection. The things I like the best about it are that there is a picture of a horse with a coffee cup on the coffee cup and the horse is smiling.
12 July / coffee mugs
Celebrating a century of Hot Dog Royalty. This is a classic mug suitable for hot tea or coffee, but also you could fill it with milk and I think it would work out just fine for drinking milk. This is probably my favorite mug in my collection. The thing I like the best about it is that there is a hotdog wearing a crown as a tube top. One side of the mug reads “Rudy’s HOT DOG TOLEDO OHIO” and has a picture of a hotdog wearing a crown as a tube top.
09 July / coffee mugs
Virginia is for pancake lovers. This is a classic mug suitable for coffee, maple syrup, or any number of things one might drink from a mug, including but not limited to beverage drinks. This is probably my favorite mug in my collection. The thing I like the best about it is that there is a spigot on the letter “T” where they put a bucket to collect the maple syrup.
12 March / coffee mugs
Border Collie! This is a fine mug for hot cocoa, coffee, eggnog, or any number of things one might drink from a mug, such as tea perhaps. This is probably my favorite mug in my collection. The things I like the best about it are that there’s a border collie dog and I think it’s cute. When you fill it with hot beverages, you should be careful to not spill any on yourself, because that’s a good way to get burned.
02 December / coffee mugs
This is a classic mug suitable for coffee only, but if you needed to you could drink almost anything from it. This is probably my favorite mug in my collection. The thing I like the best about it is that they use the letter “n” to represent the word “and”. I think that’s clever, because even though “n” and “and” (or should I say “n” n “and” ? 🤔 ) don’t sound EXACTLY the same, they’re pretty close!
25 September / coffee mugs
Help Wanted! I need pig! This is an oversized mug suitable for coffee, bourbon, or hot cocoa. If you’re the sort of person who says “hot chocolate” instead of “hot cocoa”, I believe you could also drink hot chocolate from this mug This is probably my favorite mug in my collection. The things I like the best about it are that there is a pig head on an ice cream cone, and that it is black and red.
25 April / coffee mugs
BIG IS BETTER This is a classic mug suitable for coffee, which you can drink with a cheeseburger if it has an egg and bacon on it. This is probably my favorite mug in my collection. The thing I like the best about it is that the person who painted the mug accidentally spelled cheeseburger wrong one one side. There is another thing I really like and that there is a drawing of a cheese hamburger.
13 February / coffee mugs
Hand-made by hand. This is a classic mug suitable for hot coffee or hot tea, but it could also be used for hot cider. This is probably my favorite mug in my collection. The thing I like the best about it is that it was handmade by hand, and it has a unicorn carved into it. This mug has a unicorn carved on both sides. One side has a chip in it, so on days when I am left-handed I choose a different mug.
29 December / coffee mugs
Yummy! This is a classic mug suitable for coffee or a side of chili dog sauce, or perhaps also tea. This is probably my favorite mug in my collection. The thing I like the best about it is that it reads “ideal” on one side, and the other side reads “HOT DOG”. It really is the ideal hot dog mug, in my opinion. They have really good chili mac. There is a secret recipe for the sauce, but I think I know what the secret is – it’s because it’s made with love.
29 March / coffee mugs
XO 😘 This is a classic mug suitable for hot coffee or hot chocolate, but I think it would also work very well for herbal tea. This is probably my favorite mug in my collection. The thing I like the best about it is that it has hearts and flowers on it. I’m not technically a grandmother, but if anybody asks I’ll just lie and say I am. I think that that is what the world’s sweetest grandma ever would do - she would probably lie to help someone being accused of stolen valor.
11 February / coffee mugs
www. .net This is a classic mug suitable for coffee, hot chocolate, or you could just use it to store pencils on your desk. This is probably my favorite mug in my collection. The thing I like the best about it is that it very clearly used to advertise something, but now it doesn’t. More advertisements should do the same. I also like that it is black on the inside, so you don’t have to rinse it out so frequently.