Virginia is for pancake lovers.
This is a classic mug suitable for coffee, maple syrup, or any number of things one might drink from a mug, including but not limited to beverage drinks.
This is probably my favorite mug in my collection. The thing I like the best about it is that there is a spigot on the letter “T” where they put a bucket to collect the maple syrup.
The other thing I like the most about this is that Virgina Beach had a place where you could do ziplines.
I wish I could call them on the telephone but they did not print the area code on the mug. Also I can’t dial a phone - my hooves don’t work on the touchscreen.
Anyhow, I think this is a great mug for drinking from when you’re alone, but it also is a good mug to drink from when you have company.
A donkey.