
09 July / coffee mugs
Virginia is for pancake lovers. This is a classic mug suitable for coffee, maple syrup, or any number of things one might drink from a mug, including but not limited to beverage drinks. This is probably my favorite mug in my collection. The thing I like the best about it is that there is a spigot on the letter “T” where they put a bucket to collect the maple syrup.
12 March / coffee mugs
Border Collie! This is a fine mug for hot cocoa, coffee, eggnog, or any number of things one might drink from a mug, such as tea perhaps. This is probably my favorite mug in my collection. The things I like the best about it are that there’s a border collie dog and I think it’s cute. When you fill it with hot beverages, you should be careful to not spill any on yourself, because that’s a good way to get burned.
02 December / coffee mugs
This is a classic mug suitable for coffee only, but if you needed to you could drink almost anything from it. This is probably my favorite mug in my collection. The thing I like the best about it is that they use the letter “n” to represent the word “and”. I think that’s clever, because even though “n” and “and” (or should I say “n” n “and” ? 🤔 ) don’t sound EXACTLY the same, they’re pretty close!
25 September / coffee mugs
Help Wanted! I need pig! This is an oversized mug suitable for coffee, bourbon, or hot cocoa. If you’re the sort of person who says “hot chocolate” instead of “hot cocoa”, I believe you could also drink hot chocolate from this mug This is probably my favorite mug in my collection. The things I like the best about it are that there is a pig head on an ice cream cone, and that it is black and red.
21 August / picture stuff